Majestic Dance Tournament
A new and exciting 6-day Dance Festival featuring top-class International dancers from all over the World. Events included are Professional and Amateur Latin American and Ballroom Styles, plus, Exhibition, Smooth and Rhythm Dancing.
The World’s leading exponents of Ballroom and Latin-American dance will compete for the Majestic Title at the Brighton Centre.
Also incorporating World top class senior, youth, junior and juvenile dancers together with Pro-Am events. There will also be events for wheelchair dancers and same-sex dancers.
Featuring the fantastic music of the Ashley Frohlick Orchestra and the Syd Lawrence Orchestra
Daily Programme:
SAT 23rd. Doors Open 9:30am - 10:30pm (subject to change)
Sun 24th. Doors Open 10am - 10:30pm (subject to change)
Mon 25th. Doors Open 12pm - 10:30pm (subject to change)
Tues 26th. Doors Open 11am - 10:30pm (subject to change)
Weds 27th. Doors Open 11am - 10:30pm (subject to change)